Записи с меткой «Евангелие от Иоанна»

Библиотека / Исследования

  1. 1930 - Древс А. Происхождение христианства из гностицизма [pdf]
  2. 1932 - Burkitt F.C. Church and Gnosis. A study of Christian thought and speculation in the Second Century [pdf]
  3. 1940 - Rylands L.G. The Beginnings of Gnostic Christianity [pdf]
  4. 1970 - Colwell E.C. New or Old. The Christian Struggle with Change and Tradition [pdf]
  5. 1978 - García Bazán F. Gnosis. La esencia del dualismo gnóstico [pdf]
  6. 1989 - Pagels E. The Johannine Gospel in gnostic exegesis. Heracleon’s Commentary on John [pdf]
  7. 2001 - Tröger K.-W. Die Gnosis. Heilslehre und Ketzerglaube [pdf]
  8. 2003 - King K.L. What is Gnosticism [pdf]
  9. 2003 - Thomas at the Crossroads. Essays on the Gospel of Thomas [pdf]
  10. 2004 - Pagels E. Beyond Belief. The Secret Gospel of Thomas [pdf]
  11. 2007 - Pearson B.A. Ancient Gnosticism. Traditions and Literature [pdf]
  12. 2008 - Quispel G. Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica. Collected Essays [pdf]
  13. 2009 - Rasimus T. Paradise Reconsidered in Gnostic Mythmaking [pdf]
  14. 2009 - King K.L. The Secret Revelation of John [pdf]
  15. 2010 - Bertini D. Divenire Dio. La teologia giovannea del maestro gnostico Eracleone [pdf]
  16. 2012 - Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature. Ideas and Practices [pdf]
  17. 2017 - Евлампиев И.И. Неискажённое христианство и его первоисточники [pdf]
  18. 2018 - Пейджелс Э. Евангелие от Фомы. Апокрифы ранних христиан [Тексты] [pdf]
  19. 2020 - Valentinianism. New Studies [pdf]
  20. 2020 - Berglund C.J. Origen’s References to Heracleon. A Quotation-Analytical Study of the Earliest Known Commentary on the Gospel of John [pdf]

Библиотека / + Не только о гнозисе

  1. Köstenberger A.J., Kruger M. The Heresy of Orthodoxy. How Contemporary Culture’s Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity [pdf]
  2. 1919 - Жебелев С.А. Евангелия канонические и апокрифические [djvu] [pdf]
  3. 1970 - Pollard T.E. Johannine Christology and the Early Church [pdf]
  4. 1986 - Grant R.M. Gods and the One God [pdf]
  5. 1990 - Gospel Origins & Christian Beginnings. In Honor of James M. Robinson [pdf]
  6. 1993 - Brodie T.L. The Quest for the Origin of John’s Gospel. A Source-Oriented Approach [pdf]
  7. 1996 - Funk R.W., Hoover R.W. The Five Gospels. What Did Jesus Really Say. The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus [pdf]
  8. 2001 - DeConick A.D. Voices of the Mystics [pdf]
  9. 2002 - Matthews C.R. Philip. Apostle and Evangelist. Configurations of a Tradition [pdf]
  10. 2003 - Владимиров А.В. Апостолы. Гностико-эллинские истоки христианства [djvu] [pdf] [mp3.zip]
  11. 2004 - Jensen A.S. John’s Gospel as Witness. The Development of the Early Christian Language of Faith [pdf]
  12. 2005 - Hurtado L.W. Lord Jesus Christ Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity [pdf]
  13. 2006 - Dunderberg I.O. The Beloved Disciple in conflict. Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas [pdf]
  14. 2006 - Hill C.E. The Johannine Corpus in the Early Church [pdf]
  15. 2007 - Most G.W. Doubting Thomas [pdf]
  16. 2009 - The Legacy of John. Second-Century Reception of the Fourth Gospel [pdf]
  17. 2012 - Lüdemann G. Jesus after 2000 Years [pdf]
  18. 2014 - Histories of the Hidden God. Concealment and Revelation in Western Gnostic, Esoteric, and Mystical Traditions [pdf]
  19. 2014 - Borgen P. The Gospel of John. More Light from Philo, Paul and Archaeology. The Scriptures, Tradition, Exposition, Settings, Meaning [pdf]
  20. 2014 - Rainbow P.A. Johannine theology. The Gospel, the Epistles and the Apocalypse [pdf]
  21. 2015 - von Wahlde U.C. Gnosticism, Docetism, and the Judaisms of the First Century [pdf]
  22. 2017 - The Eucharist — Its Origins and Contexts. Sacred Meal, Communal Meal, Table Fellowship in Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity [pdf]
  23. 2018 - Thomaskutty J. Saint Thomas the Apostle. New Testament, Apocrypha, and Historical Traditions [epub] [pdf]

Библиотека / Статьи и комментарии

  1. Родин Е.В. Особенности редакции Евангелий в старо-сирийской рукописи [pdf]
  2. Смородинов Р. Гностицизм и Евангелие от Иоанна [pdf]
  3. 1925 - Турмель Ж. Маркионитское происхождение четвёртого евангелия [pdf]
  4. 1984 - Ямаучи Э. Дохристианский гностицизм, Новый Завет и Наг-Хаммади в современных дебатах [pdf]
  5. 1986 - МакРэй Д. Гнозис и Церковь Иоаннова Евангелия [pdf]
  6. 2009 - Алексеев Дм. Античное христианство и гностицизм [pdf]

Катары / Статьи

  1. 2010 - Печенкин А.А. Неортодоксальное прочтение пролога Евангелия от Иоанна [pdf]